Achieving Facial Symmetry: 3 Ways to Bring Balance to Your Face

A receding jaw, crooked teeth, the uneven nasal septum can hugely affect your facial symmetry. In some cases, the asymmetry affects the function of your facial muscles and the affected parts of your face.

Fortunately, there are ways to correct these issues and create facial symmetry that will not only enhance your appearance but also restore proper facial movement and muscle function.

The Importance of Facial Balance

Facial balance can improve your esteem and aid in the proper functioning of your facial muscles. While some faces are less symmetrical and balanced than others, it’s not impossible to correct these problems. There are certain surgical procedures—or combinations of them—that can create or restore facial balance and symmetry.

These procedures are typically performed on an outpatient basis. Patients can usually return to their regular routine in a matter of two weeks, depending on the surgery and their body’s healing process.

During the healing period, a patient can expect some swelling and bruising. What’s good about undergoing functional surgery is that the results are permanent and it provides lifelong relief from discomfort caused by the jaw, nasal, and dental problems. Below are the treatments that promote facial balance and symmetry.

1. Orthognathic Surgery

To correct the jaw alignment, orthognathic surgery is an ideal option. The professionals at a highly recommended jaw surgery clinic conduct this procedure on patients who require the treatment for various reasons: jaw misalignment, underbite and overbite problems, facial imbalance, and having facial injuries that require correction by surgery.

After surgery, patients notice a significant improvement in their health and appearance. They can speak, chew, and open their mouth without straining their jaw muscles. Those who suffer from regular headaches find relief after surgery and feel much healthier after fully recovering from their surgery.

Jaw alignment is important in creating a balance on the lower facial structure. In some cases, orthognathic surgery is required before proceeding with orthodontic treatment. This increases the effectiveness of the treatment and ensures full correction of the problem.

2. Orthodontic Treatment

For some patients, proper orthodontic treatment is needed to further improve jaw alignment, enhance the facial profile, and create facial balance. The most common form of orthodontic treatment is the application of braces. This corrects teeth alignment and improves jaw alignment in both children and adults. This treatment is also ideal for those who suffer from the temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ disorder) and those with speech problems that can be attributed to poor teeth alignment.

In some cases, instead of braces, a patient may be required to wear a special orthodontic appliance for correcting jaw growth and alignment. Some appliances are fixed, while some can be removed. Adjustment is done during certain points of the treatment and this should be followed at all times, to achieve excellent results.

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3. Septorhinoplasty

While a nose job is more popularly viewed as a cosmetic procedure, it also has functional surgical benefits: the correction of an uneven nasal septum to cure sleep apnea and resolve breathing problems. In such cases, a combination of surgical treatments called septorhinoplasty is required.

Septorhinoplasty is a combination of septoplasty and rhinoplasty. The treatment changes the shape of the nasal cavity and the aesthetic appearance of the nose. Our nose shape can change over time. This can be due to the development of polyps in the nasal area or caused by an injury.

An uneven or deviated nasal septum is known to be a contributing factor in patients who suffer from sleep apnea. Meanwhile, nasal polyps can cause breathing problems as it blocks the air passage in the nasal cavity. These problems can be corrected by septorhinoplasty.

After treatment, patients notice a huge improvement in their sleep patterns. They also wake up feeling more rested and fully energized. They’re no longer snoring in their sleep and can breathe more comfortably than before. Patients also say that they are much more confident and happier with the way they look.

Combining Treatments

Doctors and surgeons may suggest additional treatments, depending on the goal that a patient wants to achieve. This includes facial exercises as well as the use of fillers to improve facial contouring and definition.

In some cases, a patient may need modest contouring on the cheeks to balance their features, after undergoing jaw surgery or dental treatment. Others may need to enhance their chin and compliment their septorhinoplasty treatment.

Combination treatments can further enhance facial balance and symmetry. It can enhance your appearance even more, giving you better results. Combining treatments is a practical approach as you only need to go through treatment and recovery period once.

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