Mental Health

overeating concept

Food and Mood: How Poor Mental Health Affects Eating Behavior

Mental health and eating behavior are closely intertwined, influencing each other. People can be prone to either overeating or undereating due to emotional turmoil. Binge Eating Disorder (BED) is characterized by compulsive overeating and associated feelings of guilt and shame. Orthorexia is an unhealthy obsession with consuming only ‘clean’ or ‘pure’ foods. Negative eating behaviors can lead to body image issues

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people are painting

Creativity as Therapy: Nurturing Mental Health Through Art

Creativity improves mental health by providing a therapeutic outlet for self-expression and emotional processing. Different art forms, such as painting, music, and dancing, cater to diverse individual preferences and therapeutic needs. Art therapy fosters self-awareness, aids trauma recovery, and cultivates a sense of community through shared creative experiences. Incorporating some simple art exercises into your

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woman distraught in an office

Understanding Mental Health: A Comprehensive Guide to Common Disorders

Understanding mental health disorders is crucial for promoting mental well-being and destigmatizing mental health. Anxiety, mood, and obsessive-compulsive disorders are prevalent mental health conditions that frequently disrupt daily activities. Psychotic and trauma-related disorders, like schizophrenia and PTSD, can distort reality and result from traumatic experiences. Eating disorders encompass a range of mental health conditions characterized

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woman suffering from wedding anxiety

The Leading Reasons for Pre-Wedding Anxieties and How to Overcome Them

Wedding anxiety is common and can range from mild to severe, often manifesting as physical symptoms. Common causes include financial stress, family drama, feeling overwhelmed, fear of the unknown, and perfection pressure. Financial worries can be alleviated by creating and adhering to a strict wedding budget. Dealing with the feeling of being overwhelmed and the

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female doctor with other hospital professionals at the back

How To Build Resilient Hospitals Through Emergency Preparedness

Building resilient hospitals involves creating an effective emergency preparedness plan, identifying potential threats, and training staff. Proper equipment management and maintaining a well-stocked emergency supply, including essential medications and medical skin adhesives, are vital. Investment in healthcare IT security for protecting sensitive patient data against cyber threats is crucial. Regular assessment and updates of security

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The battle against drug abuse

Overcoming the Odds: Winning Over Substance Abuse

Substance abuse is a serious issue that can have devastating consequences on individuals. Accepting the reality of an addiction is the first step to overcoming it; however, many people face obstacles due to stigma and lack of knowledge. Motivation and support from family, friends, counselors, and rehab centers are vital for recovering from substance abuse.

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