FAQs about cosmetic dental care answered

Are you concerned that your smile is letting you down? Either in the workplace or on the dating scene? If so, it may be time to consider cosmetic treatments to help you get that spring back in your step.

Here, some of the most common queries asked of a cosmetic dentist Bondi Junction are answered, so you can determine if cosmetic treatments are worth pursuing.

Why should I invest in cosmetic dental care?

There are many reasons to invest in cosmetic dental care, with the leading one being an improvement in self-esteem and feeling better in oneself.

As general dentistry has improved in recent years, fewer people have needed standard treatments such as fillings or crowns. So the emphasis has turned to cosmetic treatments. A striking smile can enhance your social life, your work life and your personal life. So the better question is, why shouldn’t you invest in cosmetic dental care?

Is it uncomfortable?

This is hard to answer, as cosmetic dental care encompasses a wide range of treatments. For instance, porcelain veneers will certainly not cause any discomfort. But the fitting of oral implants may cause some. So, it is worth exploring the options with your dental team. If you are a nervous patient who wants a great-looking smile without any memory of the treatment, then it may be worth exploring sedation options.

Is it expensive?

Cosmetic dentistry has dropped in price in recent years, due in part to more dental teams undertaking the required training. Along with good old-fashioned competition between surgeries! However, few people can outwardly afford to pay for treatments like veneers or oral implants in their monthly budget. So the majority of surgeries that can provide you with cosmetic dental care will also be able to offer financing options, depending on your suitability.

How long do the results last?


This depends on the treatment in question.

For instance, bleach-based dental whitening can last for anywhere between 3 months to 3 years, whereas oral implants have a lifespan of up to 20 years. If you are opting for a dental makeover, which is a bit of a mix and match, then the longevity of the treatments that you have can be more variable. For more information on how long your treatment will last, and for tips on how to ensure you get the most from them, talk to your cosmetic dental team.

Can I get any treatment I want?

Many factors will have to be weighed up when you approach a cosmetic dental team to undergo a procedure. In most cases, you will be able to get the aesthetic finish that you want. But clinical oversight is important, as this will allow you to get the look you want using treatments that will take the least time and will be more affordable. So you may not be able to get the exact treatment you want, such as veneers instead of an orthodontic tool, but the result will be the same. It will usually also be less invasive and your dental team will be able to advise you on the most suitable options for your clinical presentation.


Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

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