What does the invisalign treatment consist of?

Invisalign in Welwyn is an orthodontic process of teeth straightening. It is an alternative solution in replacement of traditional metal braces. However, traditional metal braces are also a great option too with the same results of clear, transparent braces. Invisalign is a life changing process within dentistry technology. It gives different patients the ability to transform their smile in a discreet method. They are able to eat, drink and talk comfortably with virtually clear aligners. Many dentists offer the Invisalign treatment as it’s one of the most popular alternatives. This orthodontic treatment is suitable for anyone who wants to straighten their teeth without having to wear traditional metal brackets. Invisalign in Welwyn allows patients to eat, chew and smile in the comfort of their own preference.

How does the invisalign treatment function?

The invisalign treatment can serve different functions such as fixing crowded teeth and gaps. It is also suitable to treat moderate bite problems. The initial step within this orthodontic process is to visit the orthodontist. The orthodontist will work towards creating a 3-D image from the scan taken of the patient’s mouth and jaw area. The dental professionals will provide a plan using this scan to fixate and straighten the teeth to the patient’s desire. The orthodontist will use the set plan to manufacture and custom make a series of plastic, clear set aligners. These clear aligners work towards applying a set amount of pressure to the teeth. This eventually should start moving the teeth into the correct areas, in the same fashion as traditional metal braces.

Every dental practice may have different aftercare instructions. Typically, in most cases the orthodontist will instruct their patient to replace one set of aligners and renew them once every week or either two. The usual standard time a patient should wear their clear braces is around 20 to 22 hours a day.

woman wearing clear braces

What are the many benefits of receiving the invisalign treatment?

There are many advantages when receiving invisalign. However, with this orthodontic treatment there are also some negative side effects. It is best to take precaution with the orthodontist to see if invisalign is within a patient’s suitability.

One of the main benefits of invisalign is the aesthetic features. Invisalign is unnoticeable as there are no brackets or wires required. This is a very common reason as to why invisalign is such a popular process. Clear aligners are also removable which is a huge benefit as a patient is able to do as they please once they remove the aligners. This can physically be removed when a patient wishes to eat and drink. Another benefit of the invisalign treatment is that there is easy access to clean the teeth. Once a patient removes their clear aligner they are easily able to both brush and floss their teeth. This is much easier than traditional braces as there is no need to worry about working around metal brackets and wires. One last advantage is that getting clear aligners can boost and improve periodontal health. This is because invisalign will encourage a patient to daily brush and floss their teeth which can eliminate any remaining bacteria around the teeth and gums.

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