One of the more popular teeth straightening appliances to grace the orthodontics market in recent times is Invisalign St John’s Wood. To date, over 12 million smiles around the world have been enhanced with the remarkable removable intuitive clear aligner system.
The discreet-looking orthodontic tool has changed the attitude of adults towards teeth straightening. Not so long ago, adult patients needing orthodontic care would be too embarrassed to wear highly visible braces, but this is no longer the case. In addition to being made from transparent medical-grade plastic, the tray-based system offers adult patients unrivalled convenience and comfort.
Adults with less-than-pleasing smiles may wonder if it is really worth getting their teeth fixed after having left their teenage years behind. Dental experts will agree that the sooner orthodontic issues are treated, the better it will be for the oral health of the patient, but it is never too late to straighten teeth.
There are myriad reasons why orthodontic treatment is necessary. Not straightening teeth bears a heavy cost for the patient that includes aesthetics and functional challenges.
How not fixing the look of a smile can hurt you
A poor dental appearance may not seem too much of a big deal in the grand scheme of things but research points to the contrary. An awkward smile can have disastrous consequences for mental health.
Both adults and children can suffer emotional abuse at the hands of bullies due to having unsightly crooked teeth. Bullying aside, an unpleasant smile can dramatically lower self-esteem and confidence. Without healthy confidence levels, your chances of attaining success, whether it be to form friendships, launch a career or find love, is minimal.
An unhealthy smile can also spell bad news for the extended health of the physical body. Dental issues involving teeth and gums affect oral and physical health in a number of ways.
Lack of proper nutrition is the first serious concern. The mouth is the organ responsible for grinding down food for digestion. If the masticatory function is made challenging due to decayed or missing teeth, this puts at risk the body’s ability to receive food for energy and essential vitamins and minerals to function at its best. Lack of adequate nutrition makes it harder for the body to fight illness and disease.
The second concern of an unhealthy smile relates to poor oral hygiene. Poor oral hygiene is not only a danger to dental health but to the physical body as well. The bad oral bacteria that bring about dreaded dental diseases like periodontitis have been also found to trigger other life-threatening medical complications. Patients showcasing symptoms of gum disease are at higher risk of experiencing heart attacks or strokes as bad bacteria originating in the mouth find their way to clogging up veins and vessels in the cardiovascular system.
There is no longer any need to be embarrassed by one’s smile as teeth imperfections can be fixed by suitable dental interventions. The best type of teeth straightening treatment will depend on the precise nature and extent of your orthodontic problem. A professional face-to-face consultation is the most reliable way of getting you the orthodontic help you need.