Why is everyone using Invisalign Hertfordshire and could it be right for me?

It’s not surprising to learn that having a super straight smile is a dream for most people and with our world heading more online, the need to create flawless photos for our social media, dating profiles and professional profiles is becoming more and more prevalent. And so lots of people are now investing in their smile, taken to the next level with Invisalign Hertfordshire.

What actually is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a revolutionary system of adjusting any imperfections in your teeth. It uses removable, clear aligners like trays that are made just for you. The system has been gladly embraced by dental practitioners as an alternative to traditional wired braces, as the system is far less invasive. The process places few restrictions on your lifestyle as you can take them out and still enjoy any foods or drinks you like. They are also great when it comes to your oral hygiene, as because of the fact the aligners are removable you can still have full access around your teeth and gums when cleaning them. Being able to get to those hard-to-reach areas when cleaning is super important, as it is these spots that often lead to plaque and tartar build-up which in turn causes gum disease and tooth decay.

How easy is it to start my Invisalign journey?

woman at the dentist

All you need to do is book an initial consultation with one of our dentists who will talk to you through the process. If you choose to go ahead, you will then have iTero scans of your mouth to determine what your individual Invisalign journey will look like. The scanner is fantastic as it eliminates having to go through the messy process of having moulds taken and means your 3D scans can be quickly uploaded to ClinCheck, which is online software which will show your aligner counts and the series of movements your teeth are likely to go through over the treatment.

Once your Invisalign aligners arrive you will have them fitted to check they are correct and the work is in your hands. You need to wear your aligner all day and night, only taking it out for eating and drinking anything other than water. This can sound daunting, however, Invisalign is designed to be invisible and super comfortable, so there’s no need to worry about this becoming an invasive process in your life. Plus the system is quick with people seeing results within four to six months.

Taking care of your aligners

Once you’ve taken the plunge and invested in your treatment you need to make sure you are looking after your aligners. This means not drinking anything that could stain them such as tea, coffee or juice, never eating with them as this could break them and keeping them really clean by brushing them daily and using Invisalign cleaning crystals to soak them in. Plaque can build up on the aligners overnight if not cleaned regularly, which can then sit on your teeth and cause decay and gum disease. You need to wash and rinse your aligner with water every time you take it out for eating and drinking.

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