Helping patients realign their teeth with Invisalign Dublin

Living with misaligned, crooked, or protruding teeth can cause someone to live with complications within their oral health that may well be easily avoidable with tooth alignment treatment. Those living with misaligned teeth may also find that they have to live with some level of discomfort and/or pain in their mouths on a daily basis, this can be a sign that they are also living with a poor standard of oral hygiene and this can put them at a greater risk of developing common dental health issues such as gum disease or tooth decay.

The main reason that some with misaligned teeth may have poor oral hygiene standards is the fact that their teeth may be proving difficult to clean when brushing, as there is not a smooth path for a toothbrush to navigate and make full contact with each tooth.

There is a growing number of adults living in the Republic of Ireland who are now starting to re-evaluate their decision not to engage with tooth alignment treatment earlier in life and as adults are now investigating the modern tooth alignment solutions. This leads to many of them gaining straighter teeth and improvements in their oral health and hygiene standards.

One tooth alignment treatment that has seen a rise in its popularity in recent years is Invisalign Dublin due to the fact it has the ability to be practically invisible when in place within a person’s mouth. This allows patients to receive the treatment they feel they need in a manner that is totally discrete.

A modern world solution

When developers and designers were seeking to redevelop the tooth aligner they knew they had to listen to the requests and desires of the adults they were aiming to encourage to engage with treatment. This led to the realisation that one of the main barriers to someone engaging with treatment was the image of tooth alignment treatment, as many people think of metal and wire braces when they think of alignment treatment.

This led to the development of Invisalign, which is made from two layers of strong and clear plastic that are moulded together to create an aligner that can hide in plain sight. Finally, patients can have the treatment they need in a way that is private to them, with the knowledge that it will result in them having straighter teeth and improved oral hygiene.

Making a positive change to people’s oral health

Before receiving their aligners, patients will have to attend a consultation where a dentist or orthodontist can examine their teeth and gums, this will help to have their needs fully assessed. Scans or x-rays will be taken of the patient’s teeth to aid in the creation of a series of aligners that will be suitable for the patient’s use and will slowly move them towards the results they desire.

woman considering an Invisalign

Each aligner should be worn for two weeks by the patient and then replaced with the next in the series.

Treatment with Invisalign Dublin will normally last between twelve and eighteen months, to gain the full results. By the end of treatment, the patient will have the straighter teeth they desire and should start to see some improvements in their oral health and hygiene standards.

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