What are dental implants?

Dental implants in St Albans are arguably the most popular type of tooth replacement procedure offered within the modern field of restorative dental care. In addition to their popular nature, implant dentistry also offers an impressive reputation within the field, whilst producing effective patient results on a worldwide scale. Furthermore, dental implants offer a long-term solution to single, multiple, or even a whole set of missing teeth within the mouth, whilst boasting durability and thus reliability.

Is implant dentistry the solution for your smile?

If your missing teeth are making it hard to chew, brush, and partake in other daily dental activities, then the answer is yes! In addition to making daily life that little bit more challenging, missing teeth can also encourage a wealth of problems that many patients may lack awareness of!

So…Why is it so important to replace missing teeth?

Missing teeth within the mouth can cause irritability, discomfort, or even pain when attempting to partake in everyday activities, however, there are unfortunately far more serious concerns associated with gaps within the mouth! In addition to practical reasons, missing teeth can also act as a breeding ground for unwanted oral bacteria to accumulate within the mouth, but what are the consequences of this accumulation?

There’s more to missing teeth than feeling insecure.

It is deemed common knowledge within the field of dentistry that missing teeth can cause patients to feel extremely insecure, whilst potentially causing speech impairments (such as an unwanted lisp). In addition to these pressing aesthetic concerns, however, the growth of oral bacteria within the mouth can cause the development of unwanted oral infections and diseases (such as gum disease, to name just one common example).

woman smiling

Are there any other negative consequences of a missing tooth?

Unfortunately yes! Whilst gum disease and low self-esteem are reason alone to consider receiving implant dentistry, there are many more concerns that may spark problems. For example, gaps within the mouth can encourage surrounding teeth to spread out, thus potentially erasing years worth of orthodontic work endured to achieve a straighter smile! In addition to a wonky smile, a lack of dental implants may also lead to long-term problems regarding the structure of the face (such as ‘facial sloping’).

What to expect from the dental implant treatment process.

When considering all of the issues raised above, dental implants may be sounding like a pretty good idea! Despite the instrumental restorative role they play, however, many potential patients’ may be unsure of what to expect from the dental implant treatment process!

Taking the first step towards a happier smile.

Discomfort and pain caused by missing teeth within the mouth may lead to patients’ feeling desperate to amend their incomplete smile! Dental implants consist of a small titanium screw, an abutment (also commonly referred to as a ‘connector’) and a replica porcelain crown which works to blend perfectly into your smile! After receiving implant dentistry, there are a variety of benefits to enjoying post-treatment!

Reaping the benefits of dental implants!

In addition to regaining the lost ability to eat, brush, and partake in other dental activities normally again, receiving dental implants can lead to an array of alternate positive outcomes! Feeling more self-confident is just one of the many positive effects reported by dental implant patients!

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